澳博体育app在澳博体育app下载的冷藏集装箱运输方面有着悠久的历史. Its innovative handling of refrigerated cargo began in 1900 and its spirit of continual improvement has resulted in one of the best refrigerated container systems in the shipping industry. 仔细考虑澳博体育app的需求,产生了以下标准功能:
- 温度控制在1度以内
Precise control for transporting extremely temperature-sensitive cargo such as pharmaceuticals - 限制货物呼吸速率的改良空气的可用性
减少或消除二氧化碳的存在, 氮, and /or oxygen to reduce or eliminate spoilage from interaction with these gases; single insertion of atmosphere at time of loading; most effective for short-duration voyages - 控制气氛应用的替代气氛的使用
Further retards ripening by maintaining a substitute atmosphere for the duration of the voyage - The most advanced sealing techniques are used to construct and test our refrigerated containers
澳博体育app下载’s refrigerated containers minimize the loss of atmosphere during transit—and Controlled Atmosphere systems maintain the selected atmosphere during transit until the container is opened - 特殊设计,最大限度减少皮重
在内陆运输中可以最大限度地增加货物重量 - 长度和高度的选择,以适应各种需要
Several container lengths and two heights provide a selection of total cargo capacity choices depending on the type of cargo and packing density desired - 无其他动力供应的内河航运用电机发电机
在港到门内陆运输期间继续进行温度控制 - 远程冷藏箱监控
These features are all designed to provide the highest level of refrigerated product quality and integrity, 以及运输过程中的最大有效载荷, 无论是海运还是内陆卡车运输到最终目的地.
Modern refrigerated containers combine maximum capacity and airflow with pinpoint temperature control to deliver uniform protection throughout the load. 澳博体育app下载’s units can control the temperature within a degree of the initial temperature setting (a critical requirement for pharmaceutical shipments, 例如). There are also “dual-zone” units available which allow two different levels of chilling in the same container.
澳博体育app下载 owns specially built and equipped containers for 改良大气(MA) and 受控大气(CA) applications. This equipment is built with ports on the front of the containers to facilitate the efficient flow of specific atmosphere gases to enter into the container while forcing the oxygen and other present gases out.
所有冷藏产品都需要防热保护, 冷或某些气体, 包括氧气, 防止货物变质和与气体发生化学反应. 应托运人要求, 澳博体育app下载 can arrange for one of several leading technology companies to provide Modified Atmosphere inside our container at the port of origin.
为 更长的运输时间, a Controlled Atmosphere maintains a constant level of a substitute atmosphere throughout the transit to slow the natural ripening process. This allows produce to be loaded into containers closer to the sail date allowing produce to ripen longer in the field, 使它们在目的地的价值更高. Controlled Atmosphere is another product available from leading technology companies that will be inserted into our specially designed containers at the port of origin.
进一步了解澳博体育app的 大气改造服务提供商程序 从奥克兰到长滩.
澳博体育app下载 offers 40-foot and 20-foot refrigerated containers to meet the needs of our customers shipping across the Pacific. The equipment is capable of handling chilled and frozen cargo across the Pacific to protect the integrity and quality of the goods.
除了澳博体育app庞大的集装箱库存, 澳博体育app下载有一个大的, 多样化底盘库存,满足澳博体育app需求(不包括那霸和中国服务). 底盘设计包括标准的固定底盘, 专用滑轴底盘, 以及专门的三轴底盘. 后两种设计增加了可能在道路上运输的重量.
大多数澳博体育app下载冷藏箱都是双电压的, 从而节省了分离成本, 安装在托运人设施的双电压变压器.
当澳博体育app的设备在港口和澳博体育app设施之间的运输途中, 取决于商品和旅行距离, 冷藏柜的动力可以由澳博体育app下载的底盘安装提供, under-slung, 提供220 / 440伏电压的柴油发电机, 三相电源时,远离正常电源. Motor generators add weight to the container and chassis and this additional weight must be factored into the loading of the container in order to be compliant with over-the-road weight limitations.
All of 澳博体育app下载’s equipment goes through a process of cleaning and calibrating after we receive the equipment back from our customers. 这个过程, 也被称为旅行前, is completed after each movement of freight and before the equipment leaves the terminal for the loading of a new shipment. The calibration is a process that entails a check of the unit to determine that it is in good working order. 当这个过程完成后,装置被设定在35度的标准温度.
温度设置 & 电机发电操作说明
开机前,发电机组断路器(CB1)和制冷机组都应处于OFF状态. 启动后, the Genset unit should be run for at least two minutes to allow the power source to stabilize before supplying power to the refrigerated unit. This will eliminate the potential of any cold start transient spikes from reaching the refrigerated unit. Cold start transient spikes can potentially cause nuisance overvoltage alarms on refrigerated units that are sensitive to electrical spikes or transients.
- 小心移动的聚v带、皮带驱动部件、热排气部件.
- Under no circumstances should ether or any other unauthorized starting aids be used in conjunction with the air intake heater.
在运行少于100小时的发动机中,活塞环可能没有完全就位. 这可能会导致从排气管渗油的可能性. 为了使密封环正确安装,应在满负荷状态下运行发动机24小时. 如果这种情况仍然存在,请在发动机冷却时检查气门间隙.
- 确保断路器CB-1处于OFF位置.
- 连接从制冷机组到发电机组插座的460伏电缆.
- 将进气加热器开关(HS)保持在预热位置. 建议冷却发动机保持时间如下:
环境温度 | Time |
26°C (78°F) | 5秒 |
0至26°C(32至78°F) | 10秒 |
-8至26°C(18至32°F) | 20秒 |
低于-8°C(8°F) | 30秒 |
- 将进气加热器开关(HS)保持在预热位置, 将点火开关(IGN)置于启动位置.
- 发动机启动后, continue to hold the Intake Heater Switch (HS) in the PREHEAT position until the engine develops sufficient oil pressure to close the Oil Pressure Safety Switch (approximately 5 seconds). 被释放后, the Intake Heater Switch (HS) will automatically return to the OFF position and the heater will remain energized for 3 minutes.
- 确保断路器CB-1处于OFF位置.
- 连接从制冷机组到发电机组插座的460伏电缆.
- 将点火开关(IGN)置于RUN位置.
- 如果LCS (Low Coolant Sensor)浸入冷却液中, the 澳博体育app下载 Restart Module will energize the heater for 30秒 and the safety buzzer will sound. 30秒延迟后,机器将尝试启动.
- 允许发电机组运行至少2分钟.
- 接通断路器CB-1.
- 用电压表检查发电机输出, 50Hz空载启动时输出电压应为1500rpm, 360 - 460年休假. 电压输出可能随环境的ISO规格而变化和下降.
- 启动制冷机组.
- 发动机运行10分钟(检查总计时器运行情况).
- 听轴承异常噪音(交流发电机).
- 检查燃油管路、润滑油管路和滤清器是否有泄漏.
- 检查排气系统是否有泄漏.
- 将断路器CB-1置于OFF位置.
- 将点火开关(IGN)置于OFF位置.
! 警告
- 在关闭启停开关(ST)之前,不要试图拔下电源插头。, 单元断路器, 还有一个外部电源.
- 在连接电源插座之前,请确保电源插头清洁干燥.
连接到380/460 VAC电源
- 确保位于控制面板上的启停开关(ST)处于“0”位置(Off)。.
- 确保位于控制盒中的断路器CB-1处于“0”位置(Off)。.
- 将460 VAC(黄色)电缆插入断电的380/460 VAC, 三相电源, 接通电源.
- 将断路器CB-1置于“I”位置(On).
- 关闭并固定控制箱门.
连接到190/230 VAC电源
为了允许在标称230伏功率上运行,需要一个自耦变压器. The autotransformer is fitted with a 230 VAC cable and a receptacle to accept the standard 460 VAC power plug. 230伏电缆是黑色的,460伏电缆是黄色的. 变压器也可配备断路器(CB-2)。. 该变压器为升压变压器,可提供380/460伏交流电, 三相, 当230 VAC电源线连接到190/230 VAC时,给设备供电50/ 60hz, 三相电源.
- 确保位于控制面板上的启停开关(ST)处于“0”位置(Off)。.
- 确保断路器CB-1, 位于控制盒内, 和CB-2, 位于变压器上, 都处于“0”位置(关闭).
- 在变压器的插座上插入并锁定460 VAC电源插头.
- 将230 VAC(黑色)电缆插入断电的190/230 VAC, 三相电源, 接通电源.
- 将断路器CB-1和CB-2置于“I”位置(On).
- 关闭并固定控制箱门.
如有疑问,请澳博体育app的澳博体育app服务中心冷藏组 1-800-662-8766.
为了满足澳博体育app对温度敏感货物的运输要求, 澳博体育app下载 has put into place a national sales and customer service team to cater to customers shipping refrigerated containers. Our National Refrigerated Cargo Sales Team is available to support customers across the mainland and throughout the islands. 如需销售或澳博体育app支持,请致电 1 - 800 - 9 -澳博体育app